I lay in bed at noontime, wondering if it was a fever, because it felt air-con-like cool without the air-con turned on. I needed blankets at noontime, something must have been up.
H turned up for lunch, wearing a purple sweater over a polo shirt, with camo-speckled berms - his leg hair will suffice against the weather, and cigarettes warm one I suppose.
It was a cold day, H affirmed.
We ate at my favourite Malay stall near my place, a quaint stall. I like eating there because it makes lunch such a chillout time, and the food is darn good. The hosts somehow created an idyllic eating place that would make any working class slave feel like he truly rested that one lunch hour.
H bought me a birthday present too! Oh that bastard, he said nothing for him for HIS birthday but then he comes along with a Metropolitan Museum of Art necklace for me. I suppose the circle really closes, because I bought him a cross pendant from the same, about a year and a half ago I believe. It matches my wedding event outfit. Some will find out soon enough.
During our discussion we talked about how we can work towards being able to fit future family commitments into our working style. H surmised that it would only be possible if we owned our own art space, then we can look after our children even though at work.
I mentioned a Murakami setting in his latest book Kafka on the Shore, where there was a coffee parlour that played classical music, specifically The Archduke Trio, which gave one man in the story - Hoshino - an epiphany of sorts. I suppose I could be passionate about an artspace like that soon. I enjoy hosting. I love creating chillout ambiences. Just like what I write on my friendster profile - that artistic reading, jazz listening (think Fred Astaire and the like), coffee-sipping life is not a faraway ideal, but already in my own home, once I get the housework done again needless to say. I think that in time soon to come, when we have more splashwurks (mad) folks on board, a splashwurks artspace will be quite possible all over again, and better too.
While we talked and listened to more classical jazz on my computer via Pandora.com, I made coffee lovely enough to garner praise from most men but not H of course - nothing is good enough for him most of the time, and we talked more in between doing some real work.
About doing art, about our business - oops that is real work isn't it, about music, about whether the necklace goes with my new love outfit from C, more about making art.
H says I have to believe that I can be good enough to take part in art competitions. Erm. We'll see about that lah. My students' artworks are nice though, does that count for anything? I think I am better at writing than I am at visual art. I can write literal poems better than I can visual ones. But I do love art, so I guess eventually I will. Like all little girls, I once had the list of must-dos-before-age-30: write a book, make a painting.
We did a simple pipeline planning draft, and I suppose I have to make our forecast revenue target for 2006 higher, because our pipeline as at this point already meets half of what I initially projected.
Business planning is definitely one of my more favourite pastimes in the business.
And now, after dinner, it is back to doing real work again, so I shall be back another time not too much later.
I leave you with pictures of my students' artwork:
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