Thursday, July 13, 2006


I just have to comment on this article below:

Singapore Human Resources Institute does survey on employee engagement
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia

SINGAPORE: In a first time ever comprehensive survey on engaging the employee, conducted by the Singapore Human Resources Institute, one interesting finding was that money was not the most important motivating factor to remain committed in the job.

Taking part in the employee engagement survey were about 130 companies employing between 50 and 800 people, and almost half the respondents are from multi national companies or MNCs.

75 percent of them said they were engaged in the organisation and work, meaning they were loyal, productive and satisfied, and those employed in local companies felt more engaged than those working in the MNCs.

"From the engagement perspective, we found that many employers are ready to undertake job redesign; another finding is that the employers find they have good experience taking on retrenched and older workers. In fact, one in two or slightly higher find that there is better experience with older than younger workers," said David Ang, Executive Director, Singapore Human Resources Institute.

The survey also found that some of the motivating factors that led to job commitment include a good working environment, good career prospects and employers getting their employees involved in the decision making process.

Interestingly money was no longer a major motivator in job commitment.

Only 24 percent viewed money as an important factor in driving job satisfaction, compared with 56 percent who chose having a good working environment as the most important motivating factor.

The institute also did a second survey on the profile of the Singaporean workforce, interviewing 60 employers.

Half of the employers say the Singaporean worker is generally the preferred choice for all positions.

But employers would rather not have them for overseas assignments as the workforce is not willing to undertake jobs overseas on a local salary package.

"With this survey finding results, we hope that HR practitioners will look at the various factors and see how the findings and perceptions can be aligned for what they are planning for the organisation," said Mr Ang. - CNA /dt

You mean only NOW then they realise that money is not a motivator? Where have they been? Studying HR indeed!

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