Tuesday, October 17, 2006


For a half hour I listen to C tell me stories. Fiction, of course. (It is a pleasure listening to him, he knows so much).

Oh, and what about. He tells me the whole Warcraft story. About how the human paladin prince Arthus turns to the da-ark si-ide when he sought to attain Frostmourne (a nice sword) to defeat the Burning Legion. Et cetera. It is all a lovely story really, but I am not the best to re-tell it.

So anyway now in World of Warcraft, the Burning Legion has retreated to restricted parts of Azeroth, and the Alliance and Horde factions, after previously working together to defeat the Burning Legion, are now enemies due to racial differences. And boy do I hate the Alliance (spoken like a true Horde, as C would quip bemused) but I shall not go further on that point.

Anyway, Averlorn is a troll and trolls are lovely. (Will update with a screenshot of Averlorn when I soonest can). Aboriginal in nature, the night elves of the Alliance evolved from the trolls, hence the similar pointy ears. Trolls live in secluded off-road settlements, usually coastal. And they love percussion and dance. Within the trolls, there was much infighting, and many clans emerged. The players in the game are all Darkspear trolls, but there also are evil clans such as Witherbark, Bloodscalp, and the Zulian. Trolls were primarily axe-throwers (how primitive!) but under the leadership of Thrall, the orcish warchief who led the orcs back towards shamanistic instead of demonic magic, trolls can also now be magic-casters.

How did C know all this? Warcraft 1, 2, 3, plus the Frozen Throne, and now World of Warcraft, and soon, the Burning Crusade (chronological order of the Warcraft legends), he plays them all and from a long time ago.

The whole story sounded like LOTR and similar.


  1. Elaine!!! Nice to discover you and other rosythians.. stay in touch... sue (the boo) and if you see Shirley - send her my congratulations (!!)

  2. talk to my bro and you'll get the same thing... boys... heh.. :P

  3. Yeah it all started in 1994, wonder what we'll be looking back at in 2024.

  4. WOW. I'm amazed. It seems that WOW is truly the game that has reached the mainstream.
