Monday, November 20, 2006

I knew for a long while now, that I cannot write fiction. I tried that as a kid, on my parents' office computers and typewriters. My stories were boring, grammar passable, sentence structure too overly short-factual. I tried as a teen; I couldn't write anything that wasn't a personal experience, nor anything overly detailed in recounting.

I discover I can only write reflective essays and such, which is boring, and does not count for much writing. There is nothing to write about, if I have nothing going on in me.


  1. Now that you're not a teen and have a wealth of life experience, you can try again!

    Nothing wrong with short, factual sentences - some authors actually use that style effectively. It's a matter of finding a tone that works for you. Write something and show it to someone. Constructive criticism helps.

    I also have a problem of nothing to write about, but also found that it takes that special effort to go out and find stories to write. It's easier than we think - take it from Milan Kundera ;)

  2. Hi Elaine! havent seen you online for quite some time! hehh. :)

  3. Thanks glared.

    Daph, I thought you didn't really like Kundera (although you have written stuff that sounds like him). I think stories are not really my thing. Recently I picked up a book whose author writes a little like the way I do too. The story is boring. I think it serves more as an insight than as entertainment.

    Cass, I haven't been feeling like talking very much to anyone. More news soon. :)
