Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Seeing that I am soon returning to financial stability via corporate slavery, I can finally map my accounts proper. But all I see that are to come are pilfering amounts leftover. The bane of my soon-to-be proletariat pay status! C sees that at least I am getting an income (he seems to believe I never have, seeing that it was highly arbitrary) and that I will no longer be living off my savings. The thing is, these savings were not as a result of corporate slavery, but from being a capitalist. Now that I am returning to corporate slavery, the idea of 'savings' will also poof, (unless I become anorexic, what a money-saver!). It was one of the good things about being a capitalist, this concept of having money in the bank leftover. Too bad it usually remains a concept far too long before becoming actual cash. But it still happens eventually.

Alternative streams of income, perhaps. (Oh dear am I going to get comment-spammed for that). Unfortunately the whole idea of using money to make money, is that, you got to have money to begin with.

Eventually, I suppose.

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