When I need to make art, I think: What shall I make/paint etc.?
But when I want to write, it is because I have something to write about, or am at the verge of finding it.
Sense the differences - need versus want, the how preceding the what versus the what preceding the how.
No doubt, I do have latent artistic projects that are brewing, or have brewed and cooled off. I am a procrastinator as they so often say, that albeit being a boring excuse. I do have one latent project that is very strong in its allure, and that is to paint this picture:

Aranpathet, Cambodia
But I haven't found the time, or rather I haven't been motivated to find the time. Writing is so much more instantly gratifying, and there is no need to wash anything up. (Hah to you Kee Min who says blogging is like wanking. My version of blogging has nothing to clean up! And I gloat.)
Back to writing: I think I have been intellectually rather impacted lately, reasons very much stem from the discovery and addition of many good business blogs. I read, and wonder and think and ponder.
We all know by now that I suck at writing reviews; you readers have not seen a lengthy movie review or book review or exhibition review or article review from me yet right? At most, I post a link, but it comes to a point where you ask, what is the point, I might as well just point people to them blogs themselves. Oh well, even then, I am lazy, I hate filing of any kind, and if I can't click and drag the tab into this box I type in and have its url immediately transferred into html code here, then it is too much of bother. Yeah I am a click-and-drag person stuck using a free PC. But I digress. The only thing I could write right now that is mildly review-like, is with regards to my response to a certain article in the news regarding Mr Chiam See Tong's comments, but then I would have talked about politics a bit too much and I still want my Progress Package, house for the next 97 years and such. (At this point I would like to mention that it WOULD be nice if they would please-bloody-fix-
the-bloody-lights-that-have-gone-off-around-the-friggin-entire-block please).
Anyway, so what will I write about really, today. Well, seeing that I am really sleepy and have been since ten o' clock, and that I have work to do that I should have done earlier but was not able to or should have just mugged through some extra hours during the days, I think I will stop here with just this...
(oops fell asleep in the mind. brb.)
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