What were you doing ten years ago?
1. In JC1.
2. Probably going or gone for some ODAC activity like a camp or a cycling expedition.
3. I don't really know, I grew out of my egocentrism late in my childhood, I was in my own world.
4. Making lots of friends, many still close.
5. Just started going to church regularly.
Five Songs Which You Know All The Lyrics Right Off Your Head Now?
1. How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes etc.
2. Can't Take My Eyes Off You by various people
3. The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston
4. ???? by Theresa Teng
5. Any song that I sing often enough in worship
Five Things You Would Do If You Were A Millionaire
1. Invest in new/existing business/es.
2. Fuel my humanitarian/missions efforts (assuming I would have some substantial ones going by then).
3. Buy property and other assets.
4. Make some passive investments in whatever that will make money for me so I no longer have to work that hard.
5. Continue working. 1mm ain't that much. Cannot even be private banking customer.
Five Bad Habits
1. Slouching
2. Sounding mean
3. Waking up late or past the alarm bell, everytime
4. Procrastination
5. Thinking I am always right
Five Things You Like Doing
1. Sleeping
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Drinking alcohol-infused matter
5. Calvin
Five Things You Will Never Wear, Buy Or Get New Again?
1. This is hard, seldom have regrets like that.
Five Favourite Toys/Things
1. Calvin. Though he is technically not a toy.
2. Guitar. Congress guitar, gift.
3. Computer - I am not a geek, so any one with internet connection can already. No need any Sapphire ATI 1900xtx graphics card or whatever cheem things.
4. All the splashwurks art materials we have :D
5. Blankie, pillows and bed
Ya, the same life (: Waaa AJC, smart girlll. May i know your real name?