Monday, April 10, 2006


One of the best ways to fall asleep earlier in the night, is to have an early dinner. Also, watch tv, brainlessness usually leads you to caveman-mode and sleepdom. I think I will do that tonight- I have already had a dinner at six o' clock.

I have had a whole day of art. Technically it is about three hours of conducting art lessons, but somehow I feel like I have painted, by proxy, the whole day. I am exhausted and I can't find it in me to want to paint or undertake any artistic task for the rest of the night. So, I will not do any more work tonight, I hope - but the allure to, or to want to, is very very strong. I think that once I am out of my dinner-hour mood (like the lunch-hour mood), I will somehow still end up navigating towards doing something work-related. But no paints. no...

I am sleepy as I write this, it is not even eight p.m. I am bored, I have no hobbies except writing here, reading books and feeds (many of which are not yet updated for the night, it is too early), and, well, yeah, ignoring those impossible hobbies to do now in the confines of my flat on a weekday night alone. This is probably why people say I am a workaholic, I am not, I am just rather boring when it comes to hobbies. I might go play the guitar but I will be bored again after; I have already almost achieved my week's objectives in guitar playing, that is to learn how to hold the pick properly and protect my cuticle from tearing anymore, and to strum like mad and yet not have a - very - tired arm.

It would be nice to have a Calvin next to me tonight, but he is at his own home tonight, else we could have a nice dinner, or he would be playing WoW next to me and I could watch snippets. I could learn to play WoW too since C is such a uber WoW geek, but I have a high propensity for game addiction. Playing through the night, playing till the morning, and such other unhealthy things - I am that kind of game addict. So, I have never allowed myself to go beyond doing that (too often) and I stay away from games that are too fun and multi-faceted.

I think that I will now go and shower, TV, snack on fruits and/or chocolates, and sleep. Exciting!-

1 comment:

  1. No lah, not that I don't like my job. Its like, if you played guitar the whole day you will feel drained even though you like it, for example. Same as if you were to eat your favourite food for the whole day... imagine... whoa!!
