Friday, April 4, 2008


One thing good about not remembering things so well lately: being able to watch a film again as if I didn't know how the story went or ended. I just watched Black Dahlia again, and I really didn't remember the plot at all even though I watched it very recently. I guess I was also a little distracted the first time; Scarlett Johansson and Josh Hartnett are both really hot.

I forget other small things like whether I ate my medicine that day, or sequences of events that recently happened, or the fact that I was the one who told my mom to throw out the olive oil. I remember bigger things, but not small details like these. For appointments, dates and parties, I use Rainlendar. I see it on my desktop everyday, no way I would be able to forget now.

There are a couple of years in my life of which I don't remember either - 1999 and 2000, I think. Whatever happened then, I don't recall, be it the people I met, the things I learned, or the places I went. I only remember significant events like the fifteen-hour bridge marathon (as in, the card game) we had over the coming of the new millennium. Things like that. I remember H telling me once before, that he doesn't remember the year he was fifteen years old. Doctor told him he was depressed or something.

I hope I get better at remembering. And doing complicated things. Become useful again.

Meanwhile I soak in big things, and older memories.

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