Sunday, May 29, 2005


Hangover: the feeling I get when I drink too much wine. Water slushing in my head and all that.

Hang: That bloody computer that hangs whenever I use certain applications, or the one that hangs because the game is just too fast too furious for it.

Hangups: I try not to have too many of them, people around me definitely do have them.

Hang up: the phone, on me, because I couldn't help crying on my end of the line.

Hang nail: none recently, thankfully.

Hanged: for crimes, or by wives whom you are not subservient enough to.

Hang on: because the game is not over till you win. Because I am multi-tasking on the phone while you wait a minute or two. Because I'm tired I need you to hold this for a while.

Hang: the laundry, which I will have to do later, on hangers, even though I'm tired, urgh.

Any more hangs to be hung?

1 comment:

  1. I currently have a painful hangnail on my pinkie, I have people on the list I wish to hang, I have way too many hangups and I wish all my 'hangers' will be gone, cos our Saviour hung on Calvary and died for us.
